
Painting with Light festival 2008

To: <>
Subject: Painting with Light festival 2008
From: "Raimund Rechenmacher" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 08:58:30 +0200
Thread-index: Acjr3LpTwKZa2RT2TNa5UUC44eyT3wKIqnCw
Thread-topic: Painting with Light festival 2008



Ein Festival wo Fotografie, Musik, Dichtung, Grafik und Theater vereinen sich in der Multivisions-shows zu einer neuen Form der Erz䨬kunst und Unterhaltung.


Un festival di fotografia, musica, poesia e grafica, discipline che interagendo tra loro danno vita ad esperienze, storie e idee audio visive.


A festival of photography, music, poetry, design and theatre, all interact to create audio visual experiences of stories and ideas.



(Flyer attached)


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Alex G Rowbotham & Sabrina M Horak

Painting with Light Projections Festival

08/08/08 -17/08/08


Schloss Goldrain \ Castel Coldrano

Schlossstrasse 33\Via del Castello 33

I-39021 Goldrain (BZ) \I-39021 Coldrano (BZ)



Tel : +39 0473 74 01 74


mob \ handy \ cell :

Alex +39 329 012 6598 (en)

Sabrina +39 328 722 9427 (it, de)






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  • Painting with Light festival 2008, Raimund Rechenmacher <=