NEUERSCHEINUNG im Universitätsverlag

About Learning And Design
ed. by Giorgio Camuffo, Maddalena Dalla Mura
with Alvise Mattozzi
What does it mean to learn in the field of design? How can one learn to design? And how can one learn from design? How can one build the conditions
for other people to have a significant learning experience? What is it important to teach future designers? Can one learn to teach?
As a follow-up to the first edition of the unibz Design Festival, organized in 2012,
About Learning and Design attempts to answer these questions by bringing together the voices and personal stories of designers, educators, thinkers and scholars, all of whom are actively engaged in design education, with a critical approach that probes
its very boundaries.
About Learning and Design features contributions by Giovanni Anceschi, Marco Balesteros, Jurgen Bey, Bettina Böhm, Brave New Alps, Giulia Ciliberto, Emanuela
De Cecco, Melissa Destino, Elliott Earls, Daniel Eatock, El Ultimo Grito, Riccardo Falcinelli, Stefano Faoro, Formafantasma, Jorge Frascara, Rob Giampietro, Roberto Gigliotti, Caterina Giuliani, Cynthia Hathaway, Hans Leo Höger, Silvio Lorusso, Victor Margolin,
mischer'traxler, Eugenia Morpurgo, Flávia Müller Medeiros, Silvia Neretti, Jonathan Pierini, Michela Povoleri, Kuno Prey, Catharine Rossi, Simone Simonelli, Philip Tabor, Oliviero Toscani, Unità di Crisi, Roberto Verganti, Alex Wilkie and Giorgia Zanellato.
2014, 266 Seiten, ISBN 978-88-6046-067-7, 28,00 Euro
Bozen-Bolzano University Press,, Tel. 0471 012 332