Zur Kenntnis/ Per conoscenza:
Attention Filmmakers: The Global Migration Film Festival Opens its Fifth Season with a Worldwide Call for Submissions

The world’s largest film festival dedicated to migration is launching its Fifth Edition, starting with a worldwide call for entries.
All submissions will be considered for the festival in the categories of features, shorts and online films. All submissions may be offered for review starting next month (6 April) and must be submitted no later than 21
June 2020.
In light of the unfolding COVID-19 global emergency, the festival will offer online screenings, debates, interviews with filmmakers and migration experts at a time of social distancing and remain responsive to the situation.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Koordinierungsstelle für Integration/ Servizio di coordinamento per l‘integrazione
Dagmar Emeri
Koordinierungsstelle für Integration/ Servizio di coordinamento per l‘integrazione
Tel +39 0471 41 33 86

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